2008 -2011 Dutch National Action Plan 1325 2008 - 2011

Taking a stand for women, peace and security

The Dutch National Action Plan on 1325 informs the efforts of the parties that have signed it. It was produced jointly by a government and civil society organisations.

The plan’s goal is to obtain systematic attention for, recognition of and support for women’s role in conflict and post-conflict situations. It can perhaps be best characterised as both a joint approach to women, peace and security by the Dutch government, civil society and knowledge institutions.  

In line with resolution 1325, this action plan focuses on the periods during and after armed conflict; that is, periods after armed conflicts have already begun. Nevertheless, conflict prevention – identifying and defusing societal tensions before they escalate into violence – remains as part of the interests of Dutch foreign policy and the core business of many NGOs. 

To strengthen the effort on peacebuilding in the developing countries, The Netherlands, together with Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the United Kingdom, supports the project ‘Mainstreaming a gender perspective in multidimensional peacekeeping operations’ run by the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO). With these countries’ support, the DKPO has drawn up a Gender Resource Package (GRP), comprising an example of a mandate for gender mainstreaming in peace missions and a guide for incorporating a gender perspective in the various functional areas of peace missions, including evaluation and monitoring.

Further reading

Dutch National Action Plan 1325 2008 - 2011