Current and future strategies

2021 -......

Ministery of Foreign Affairs: Taskforce Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (TFVG)

"The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Taskforce constitutes an integral component of Dutch foreign policy. Globally, the majority of the 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty are women, and millions of women and girls are victims of physical and sexual violence or other forms of discrimination. Women are still largely excluded from processes to resolve conflicts and to shape the future of societies. As such, their role as agents for change is obscured. Alarmingly, resistance to equal rights for women, in particular their right to decide about their sexuality and whether or not to have children, is growing in many places. The ideal of equality enshrined in international agreements has to be continuously defended. The Netherlands seeks to help create a world in which men and women have equal rights and opportunities.

The Dutch commitment to improving the position of women is encapsulated in the following four goals:

  1. prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls;
  2. a fair share in political and decision-making power;
  3. economic empowerment and self-reliance;
  4. a fair share in conflict-resolution, peacebuilding and reconstruction.

The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Taskforce contributes with it work to SDG 5: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls." Source: Taskforce Women's Rights and Gender Equality 

Theory of Change for water and sanitation

"The ToC for water and sanitation underscores the importance of a gender component when deciding on investments in urban infrastructure, of giving women a bigger say in water management and of guaranteeing their water-use rights, also in the case of water for agriculture. Better access to safe water reduces inequality for the poorest of the poor and improves health, education and income, especially for women and girls. The ToC also acknowledges that disaster response mechanisms are more effective when they are gender sensitive." Source: IOB study Gender Mainstreaming 2021

Letter to Dutch Parlement regarding Evaluation IOB