Why does education matter?

Education matters because it contributes to the development of boys and girls in various ways: it fosters critical thinking, contributes to the development of interpersonal skills, it helps us learn who we are, and what role we play in the world.

These, in turn, can positively influence one's life by
(1) providing stability and more opportunities;
(2) allowing for self-dependency;
(3) building a safer world; and
(4) making the individual feel more integrated as a member of a society/community.

A lack of access to education may result in a lack of employment opportunities and a threat of exploitation. What does it mean when half of the world population, being born as a woman, are more denied these opportunities than the other half? We will have a closer look at education. How has the focus on gender in education impacted education? Although a lot has been achieved, bridging the gender gap in education is imperative for development for all and continues to be a challenge!