Sources & Recommended literature

You can find a list of sources & recommended literature below.

Water Management:
Bangladesh Planning Commission (October 2019). Bangladesh Delta Plan – Bangladesh in the 21th Century (Abridged Version), pp 42

Blokland Advisory Services, 05 July 2015, Water Operators Partnership Dhaka WASA and VEI, Mid Term Review WOP1, Final Report, pp 49

Blokland Advisory Services, 22 November 2019, Water Operators Partnership Dhaka WASA and VEI, Mid Term Review WOP2, Final Report, pp 80

Blokland Advisory Services, 31 August 2015, Partnership of Dhaka WASA and VEI, Urban Drainage Demonstration Project (UDDP), Mid Term Review, Final Report, pp 51

BWDB/Haskoning (August 1985). Report on the construction of the Feni River Closure Dam, pp 66

Chadwick, Matthew and Datta, Anjan (nd). Water Resource Management in Bangladesh- A policy Review, DFID, pp 28

Dewan, Camelia ao, (2015). Evolution of water management in coastal Bangladesh: from temporary earthen embankments to depoliticized community-managed polders”, Water International, pp 18

Dewan, Camelia, (April 2012). Review of the historical evolution of policies and institutions of community based management in coastal Bangladesh, IWMI, pp 89

Dutch Water Sector (23 July 2020). Unlocking the potential of the coastal zone in Bangladesh, pp 3

Gain, Animesh K., et al. (2017). “From Flood Control to Water Management: A Journey of Bangladesh towards Integrated Water Resources Management”, Water, pp 16

IOV (1993). Flood Action Plan, Bangladesh, Evaluatierapport (in Dutch/English), pp 272

ILO/WFP/UNDP (2015). Building Community Resilience through Integrated Water Management (IWM)-Project in Bangladesh Reporting Period: 20 November– 30 June 2015, Final Narrative Report, pp 28

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (December 2017). Tackling major water challenges - Policy review of Dutch development aid policy for improved water management, 2006-2016, pp 233

Ministry of Water Resources, Government of Bangladesh (2000). National Water Policy, pp 21

Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) (nd). Bangladesh-The Netherlands 50 years of water cooperation, pp 13

Partners voor Water/Dutch Water Sector/NWP (nd). Towards a Bangladesh Delta Plan, pp 6

Sarker, Mohammad Asaduzzaman (January 2019). Bangladesh Delta Plan (BDP) 2100, Bangladesh Planning Commission, Powerpoint Presentation, 41 slides

Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal, (januari 2012). Beleid ten Aanzien van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Brief van de Staatsecretaris van Buitenlandse Zaken (tav speerpunt water), Nr 65, pp 16


Ahmed, Shafiul Azam (2009). Community Led Total Sanitation in Bangladesh – Chronicles of a People’s Movement, “CLTS Knowledge Hub”, pp 28

BRAC (nd). Water Sanitation and Hygiene Program, 2011-2015, pp 4

Government of the Netherlands/Government of Bangladesh (March 2000). 18 District Towns Project – Final Report Phase III, pp 121

Max Foundation (nd). A 4 year program reducing child mortality via integrated WASH approach in the south coastal areas of Bangladesh, 2012-2016, pp 2

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (April 2013). A World to Gain, A new Agenda for Trade, Aid and Investment,), pp 72

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (March 2012). From infrastructure to sustainable impact: Policy review of the Dutch contribution to drinking water and sanitation (1990-2011), IOB Evaluation, pp 134

Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, People’s Republic of
Bangladesh (March 2005). National Sanitation Strategy, pp 41

Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, People’s Republic of
Bangladesh (December 2014). National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation 2014, pp 26

Vitens/Evides, DWASA (2017). Urban Dredging Demonstration Project 2013-2016 Final Report, pp 108